Conference June 5th 2024 :Biobased materials in aeronautics

Biobased materials in aeronautics

New biobased solutions for aircraft cabins


Air formation, Blagnac (14 Av. Escadrille Normandie Niemen, 31700 Blagnac), 6.30 to 10.30 PM

Biobased materials are renewable and eco-friendly alternatives to conventional petroleum-based materials, which have high environmental and economic costs.

Biobased materials have the potential to reduce the carbon footprint and improve the sustainability of the aviation industry, especially for aircraft cabins, which require advanced properties such as flammability, smoke density, toxicity, and heat release.

Some examples of biobased materials for aircraft cabins are natural-fibre-reinforced plastics, bio-resins, bio-composites, and bio-polymers. These materials can be derived from plant oils, biomass, bio-wastes, or recycled carbon fibres.

 They can also offer enhanced functionality, biodegradability, and recyclability. The development and application of biobased materials for aircraft cabins involve global collaboration among researchers, industry partners, and regulatory agencies. 

This conference will explore the latest innovations, challenges, and opportunities in biobased materials for aeronautics, with a focus on new biobased solutions for aircraft cabins.

Speakers: Satys and more to be unveiled soon…