
  • Conference June 5th :Biobased materials in aeronautics

    New biobased solutions for aircraft cabins


    Air formation, Blagnac (14 Av. Escadrille Normandie Niemen, 31700 Blagnac), 6.30 to 10.30 PM

    Biobased materials are renewable and eco-friendly alternatives to conventional petroleum-based materials, which have high environmental and economic costs.

    Biobased materials have the potential to reduce the carbon footprint and improve the sustainability of the aviation industry, especially for aircraft cabins, which require advanced properties such as flammability, smoke density, toxicity, and heat release.

    Some examples of biobased materials for aircraft cabins are natural-fibre-reinforced plastics, bio-resins, bio-composites, and bio-polymers. These materials can be derived from plant oils, biomass, bio-wastes, or recycled carbon fibres.

     They can also offer enhanced functionality, biodegradability, and recyclability. The development and application of biobased materials for aircraft cabins involve global collaboration among researchers, industry partners, and regulatory agencies. 

    This conference will explore the latest innovations, challenges, and opportunities in biobased materials for aeronautics, with a focus on new biobased solutions for aircraft cabins.

    Speakers: Satys and more to be unveiled soon…

  • Conference – What new energies for tomorrow’s aviation? May 16th


    The aviation industry is facing a major challenge to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and achieve net-zero carbon by 2050. To meet this goal, new and sustainable sources of energy are needed to power the future of flight.

    In this conference, you will learn about the latest developments and innovations in alternative aviation fuels, such as sustainable aviation fuels (SAF), hydrogen, and electricity.

    You will also hear from leading experts and stakeholders who will share their insights and experiences on how to overcome the technical, economic, and regulatory barriers to the adoption and deployment of these new energies for tomorrow’s aviation.

    When? May 16th, from 6.30 To 10.30 PM

    Where? Air Formation, 14 Av. Escadrille Normandie Niemen, 31700 Blagnac

    Speakers: TSE, Turkish Airlines, Lhyfe

    Turkish Airlines, the flag carrier airline of the Republic of Türkiye, has taken its place among the largest airline companies in the world with its rapid growth trend since its foundation in 1933, with the objective of carrying out domestic and international passenger and cargo air transportation activities. As the airline that flies to more countries than any other airline in the world, Turkish Airlines currently has a network of 370 destinations in 130 countries with its 454 aircraft fleet.
    This huge network and operations make efficient energy practices inevitable. The company is at the forefront of embracing new energies to propel the aviation industry towards sustainability. With a commitment to reducing carbon emissions and embracing cleaner technologies, the airline is actively exploring innovative solutions.

    The speaker Mehmet Asik, Turkish Airlines Toulouse and Bordeaux offices Director  will give us a picture of new aviation energies within the Airline.
    Mehmet Aşık is experienced with ten years in aviation and two years in banking. With six and half years dedicated to working in Africa and one and half years in France, Mehmet has honed his skills in management, sales&marketing and operations in aviation. He holds an MBA degree and a Bachelor’s in Public Administration, leveraging his multidisciplinary education to drive success in his career. As a sales manager for two years then a director since 2018, Mehmet’s leadership, integrity, and commitment to excellence continue to drive his professional journey.

    We are pleased to receive also Frédéric Naudi Key Account Manager Industry at Lhyfe.
    He will make a presentation of Lhyfe, independent European producer of green and renewable hydrogen, the benefits of green and renewable hydrogen in aviation, for what uses and in what form.

    Lhyfe is a European group dedicated to the energy transition, producer and supplier of green and renewable hydrogen. Its production sites and portfolio of projects aim to provide access to green, renewable hydrogen in industrial quantities, and to enter a virtuous energy model enabling the decarbonization of entire sectors of industry and mobility.

    In 2021, Lhyfe inaugurated the world’s 1st industrial green hydrogen production site directly connected to a wind farm. In 2022, the company inaugurated the world’s 1st pilot platform for the production of green hydrogen at sea. In 2023, it inaugurated its second and third sites, and has several sites under construction or extension across Europe.

    Lhyfe is present in 12 European countries and had 195 employees at the end of December 2023. The company is listed on the Euronext Paris stock exchange.

    Throughout his career in industry (Bertin Energie Process Environnement, now Naldeo Technologies et Industries, Linde France, Burton Corblin…), Frédéric Naudi has specialized in innovation and supporting major industrial projects towards the energy transition. The use of green hydrogen to decarbonize industry and mobility is a subject he has been following for several years, and for which he joined Lhyfe in 2023.

    Aviation faces a major environmental challenge since it is four times as polluting as a high-speed rail in emissions per seat-km over short-haul routes, it accounts for 3% of global CO2 emissions, it has an additional climatic impact via the release of nitrogen oxides, water vapour, and sulphate and soot particles at high altitudes. While aviation has become more and more fuel-efficient overtime, it is the fastest-growing sources of GHG because of the growth of demand.
    With respect to the urgency of fighting climate changes, technological solutions are yet far away, and in any cases require large investment which need to be financed.
    Only economic measures to fight GHG emissions are available in the short and medium run. There are a wide set of policies ranging from restricting the number of flights (bans, curfew) to market-based measures that will rise the costs of airlines and passengers. What are their relative efficiency and effectiveness for the defense of the common good?
    This will be presented by Marc IVALDI.

    Marc Ivaldi is Professor of Economics at the Toulouse School of Economics (TSE) and at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS). He is President of the French Association of Transport Economics (AFET) and Conference Director of the World Conference on Transport Research 2026. He is a member of the Steering Committee of the Institute for Sustainable Aviation (ISA) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Société des Grands Projets (SGP). He is an expert in the use of empirical and quantitative methods for competition and regulation policy and has advised firms as well as public authorities on a wide range of issues in industrial organization. Much of his research work has been devoted to the analysis of network and transport service industries. He holds a PhD in Economics of the University of Pennsylvania and a PhD in Economics of the Université des Sciences Sociales of Toulouse.

    #Newenergiesforaviation #environmentalchallenges #CO2emissions #aviationfuels #ToulouseSchoolofEconomics #transport #sustainableaviation #newenergies #aviation #turkishairlines #sustainability #lhyfe


  • 19/09/2024 The conference “Anti-drones fight (including swarm case): where do we stand?”

    September 19th 2024, Blagnac

    The “Drone countermeasures: where do we stand?” conference focuses on exploring strategies and technologies for combating drones, particularly in the context of swarm attacks. A swarm attack refers to a scenario in which several drones are used simultaneously to carry out a coordinated and potentially malicious activity.

    The primary objective of this conference is to examine the various countermeasures against drones and to understand their potential impact in thwarting swarm attacks. The conference aims to bring together experts, researchers and industry professionals to share their knowledge and insights in this rapidly evolving field.

    Through presentations, panel discussions and interactive sessions, participants will gain valuable insights into the following:

    Anti-drone technologies: The conference will present the latest advances in anti-drone technologies, such as radar systems, radio frequency (RF) sensors and optical detection systems. These technologies aim to detect, track and mitigate the threat posed by drones.

    Legal and policy considerations: The conference will also address the legal and policy implications of countering drones. Participants will explore the regulations governing the use of counter-drone technologies and the ethical considerations related to privacy and safety.

    Case studies: The conference will feature real-world case studies of swarm attacks and the anti-drone efforts employed to mitigate them. Experts will analyze the tactics and strategies employed by swarm attackers and discuss the effectiveness of different countermeasures.

    Collaboration opportunities: Participants will have the opportunity to engage in networking sessions and meet industry-leading organizations specializing in anti-drone technologies. This will foster collaboration and knowledge-sharing among participants to collectively combat the evolving threats posed by drones and swarms.

    Overall, the conference aims to equip attendees with cutting-edge knowledge and practical insights to develop comprehensive anti-drone strategies and technologies. By exploring the means to counter swarm attacks, the conference aims to contribute towards fostering a safer and secure environment in the face of emerging drone threats.

    The HELMA-P anti-drone laser weapon has proved its effectiveness time and again in test campaigns in France and abroad.
    HELMA-P hits its target with 100% success, neutralizing a drone at a distance of 1 km in a matter of seconds.
    The DGA has acquired a copy for deployment at the Paris Olympics, as part of the Provisional Air Safety System set up by the French Air and Space Force.
    The development work on this model focused on operational safety, which will be inherited by the production product available in 2025.
    At the same time, thanks to the characteristics of this laser weapon, which is capable of concentrating all the beam’s energy onto a pellet the size of 2 euros, it has been possible to define the conditions for safe operational use.
    During the conference, Laurent TARD will give a detailed presentation on the safe implementation of this weapon and the feedback from its use.

    Laurent TARD is a former officer in the French Army, where he served for 27 years.
    Sales manager for 4 years at CILAS, he is responsible for marketing the HELMA-P anti-drone laser weapon.
    In particular, he deals with the security issues linked to its use in an operational environment and operational risk management.

    Confirmed speakers (list to be completed soon): Yves Robins, SKYSHELF director and Laurent Tard, CILAS sales manager.


  • POSTPONED to September 22, 2022

    POSTPONED to September 22, 2022 | 7:30 pm to 22:45 pm

    On Thursday, September 22,2022, experts in Artificial Intelligence will speak on a theme highlighting production, maintenance and piloting solutions linked to Artificial Intelligence.

    Why to participate?

    This conference is for professionals only

    • An opportunity to learn new knowledge
    • The opportunity to exchange with the participants to consolidate your and enrich your address book;

Subject to change, we have planned

Conference program 2022

March 15: Corporate Social Responsibility, the challenges of sustainable development
Business Management
April 19: Industry MRO special / Predictive maintenance
June 23: Aerospace training: the universities and talents of tomorrow
June 28: “CSR and Sustainable Management” in Paris
July 5: Connectivity and space
October 4: Excellence Club Aerospace Awards
December 6: new planes and engines
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