Tuesday March 15, 2022 | From 7:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.
A conference-debate with Ghislain de Castelbajac Managing Partner at ABI and senior advisor at AVISA PARTNERS.
Inform to protect in a collaborative ecosystem, how to work on economic counter-intrusion. Financial impacts (data theft, ransomware, etc…) Ghislain de Castelbajac will talk about the implementation of investigations and inquiries in the framework of international laws and regulations.
Compliance, anti-corruption investigations: how to transform a constraint into a strategic opportunity for aeronautics and space.
This conference is for professionals only
- An opportunity to learn new knowledge
- The opportunity to exchange with the participants to consolidate your and enrich your address book;
Please note: This conference evening will only be in French
Guislain de Castelbajac will present the setting up of inquiries and investigations within the framework of international laws and regulations.
One hundred years after the first commercial flights, the aeronautical industry is confronted with a multitude of constraints related to security against terrorist acts, health, geopolitical (embargoes on equipment, overflights), social (dumping of labor laws, control of supply chains), but also compliance and governance with certain recent practices related to international investigations for facts or suspicions of corruption or circumvention of embargoes. The new taxonomies implemented by a large number of investment funds and donors concern the CSR theme relating to “ESG criteria”, for “Environment, Social and Governance”. Public opinion is also seizing on these issues, and the aeronautics and space industry cannot afford the luxury of missing the train of transformation and innovation in these areas.
Examples of transformation of the aeronautics and space industry in the areas of ESG can be presented in complete transparency, and in exchanges allowing a mutually enriching reflection.
· Philippe Clerc will present the management of compliance and ethics risks in space agencies in the context of newspace, based on his experience at CNES.
Very committed to public-private partnerships and to European and international cooperation, CNES has implemented a proactive policy of compliance and corporate ethics inspired by the best practices in force. It is organized around a coherent system comprising risk mapping, an employee code of conduct, a process for evaluating partners, reporting or alert procedures, declaration of interests, acceptance or granting of gifts and invitations, an update of contractual intervention methods, training and awareness-raising actions, a sanction regime, an evaluation system, an ethics charter and dedicated committees to inform the governing bodies.
Philippe Clerc proposes to describe the principles and conditions for the implementation of this “corporate compliance and ethics” policy for which he assumes operational responsibility.
· Lilian Prioux, will demonstrate how CSR and missions with high societal value are a major challenge for engineering and consulting players. By addressing the importance for its clients of being positioned on future issues (green mobility, for example) in order to support them in their transformation, but also the importance for its employees and candidates of participating in missions that have meaning and are in line with their ethics and values.
Conference program 2022
We reserve the right to make changes.
March 15: Corporate Social Responsibility, the challenges of sustainable development
Business Management
April 19: Industry MRO special / Predictive maintenance
May 3: Increase in the efficiency of airline operations (flightops, maintenance, etc.)
Airports and customer experience
June 7: Aerospace training: the universities and talents of tomorrow
July 5: Connectivity and space
October 4: Excellence Club Aerospace Awards
December 6: new planes and engines
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