Articles by Excellence club aerospace

POSTPONED to September 22, 2022

POSTPONED to September 22, 2022 | 7:30 pm to 22:45 pm On Thursday, September 22,2022, experts in Artificial Intelligence will speak on a theme highlighting production,…

The Laureates

The Laureates

Following the Awards Ceremony of October 26, the Excellence Club Aerospace is proud to officially announce the laureates of this Inaugural Awards Edition : Edouard…

Le Programme

The Program

Following is the program of the 2021 Excellence Club Aerospace Awards Event Workshops with international executives [2pm-6pm] Cocktail and Awards Ceremony [6pm-8pm] Gala Evening [from…

Awards Announcement

Nominees 2021

Toulouse Métropole and the Excellence Club Aerospace, international aerospace business club, are pleased to announce the projects nominated for the Excellence Club Aerospace Awards.The 15…

Excellence Club Aerospace Awards

In October 2021, AeroMorning’s Premium Business Club introduced a new concept of event to stimulate the industry and offer a new way to strengthen business…